Emma Baynes BSc (Hons) MNIMH, MUKIMPRMedical Herbalist in Chichester, West Sussex

Reiki Practitioner, Mycotherapy Practitioner, HeartMath Certified Practitioner

What is HeartMath?

In 2023 I competed my HeartMath training and became a Certified Practitioner which means that I am able to train people in the HeartMath techniques.

HeartMath will help you to transform your stress into resilience, to achieve higher levels of performance and to live your life with more heart, health and happiness.

HeartMath is a system of simple and powerful self-regulation techniques which are easy to learn and designed to be used “in the moment”, whatever the situation, meaning that you can bring your best self to your professional, social and personal lives.

And what makes HeartMath unique is that you can practise the techniques using our Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence biofeedback app and sensor. Coherence Biofeedback gives you real-time insight into your emotional, mental and physical state. This increases your self-awareness and helps you to develop the ability to self-regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

Coherence – the state of optimal function
HeartMath is backed by more than 25 years of scientific research. Our research shows that regulating breathing and generating positive emotions facilitates a body-wide shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state called psychophysiological coherence, or coherence for short.

Coherence is characterised by increased order and harmony in both our psychological (mental) and physiological (bodily) processes. It is a state of optimal function. When we activate this state, we experience greater emotional stability, increased mental clarity and improved cognitive function. Simply stated, our body and brain work better, we feel better, and we perform better.

Coherence also promotes homeostasis, the body’s natural way of keeping everything in balance and of maintaining resilience to challenge, stress and damage. As such you can think of coherence as the engine for resilience and of the coherence techniques as ways to boost your inner battery and keep your resilience engine running effectively. Coherence can be learnt, practiced and developed and the physical and mental benefits can be profound.

To find out more go to:  What is HeartMath? - HeartMath



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